Latest News!!!

The Wreckage review and more!! 

First off, check out this great review of “The Wreckage” from!!!

We also have a new single “Beautiful” that will be released on August 2, so mark your calendars!!

We are also hoping to have new videos for “Poor You” and “Beautiful” in the near future…if we can get someone to get their ass in gear!!!

A major show announcement is coming soon as well! Stay tuned!!!


“Poor You” is the newest single from SKP. It will be available on all streaming platforms beginning June 28, 2024.

Mark your calendars now! 

Don't forget our July 11th show in Virginia Beach at the South Beach Grill!!!

XM Airplay! 

SKP will be one of the featured artists on Goldie's Garage - Best Unsigned Bands. This Friday at 11:00 PM. Tune in and make requests for more SKP!!!

Latest SKP Updates 

Get ready Va. Beach!! We have a show!! July 11th at the South Beach Grill! This is a special Thursday night show for ORIGINAL music. Thanks for the support Charity!!!

Mark gets a little press from Custom Made Music. Check out his Five for Friday choices here!

Add “The Wreckage” to your playlists too! You can find it on Itunes, Spotify, YouTube Music or wherever else you might stream music from.

We are working on some other new tunes now and hope to get them out by the summer!!! 

Thanks for your support!!!!

The Wreckage is coming soon!!!! 

SKP just wrapped up recording a new tune and video for The Wreckage. This will be the first song to feature Tom along with David, Pat and Mark together in the studio. Keep checking back for more details and where you can stream it along with all of our other tunes!!!

Latest Updates! 

We had a great show in Woodford at the Groove Music Hall with the Deloreans! So much so that they invited us back again next year. Hopefully we will be back sooner though. 

Lots of other stuff going on in the meantime. We are getting ready to head back in the studio to record some new music with the current lineup. Tom has been working hard on new ideas and now its time for the rest of us to add our two cents! Keep on the lookout for the results soon!

See ya soon!